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  • What is a CNC Post Processor?
    Simply explained, a Post Processor is software that converts your CAM toolpaths into G-code for your specific machine. Many things can change in the G-code between different types of CNC machines, like supported canned cycles, decimal place location (digits required before and after the decimal), line numbering, and even certain G and M codes. Even if two different machines still use the standard Fanuc G-code (an industry staple), there are still nuances that can be affected by the G-code.

    Post Processors act as translators from your CAM to create G-code that is specific for your machine make and model. Even when two machines are very similar in size and capability, the same post-processor will rarely work for two different make/model machines.

    A post-processor must also consider your machine’s kinematics. The term kinematics refers to how the axes on your machine move, particularly the rotary axes on a 5-axis machine. The rotary axes on a machine may be attached to the table, the spindle, or a combination of both. The configuration of the rotary axes has a great effect on how the data from the CAM system should be post-processed. It can affect length compensation, feed rate calculations, transitions between toolpaths, and several other components of the toolpath not contained in the data from the CAM system.
  • What CAM systems are supported by CPOST Processor
    We support major cam systems in the market such as CATIA V5, 3D Experience, Siemens NX, CREO and any other CAM systems that generate apt format files.
  • Does CAMPost-Cloud offer a trial post-processor?
    Yes, We support trials. Simply register an account and then contact us and we will set up a post-processor trial.
  • How does the CAMPost-Cloud Processor work?
    Click here for more information.

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